أسئلة المقابلة الشخصية للوظائف الصحية بالإنجليزي

عند التقدم إلى وظيفة في المجال الصحي والطبي لا بد للمترشح من النجاح في المقابلة الشخصية، والتي تضم العديد من الأسئلة المتنوعة، مثل أسئلة التعريف عن النفس، وأسئلة كشف المهارات العقلية والنفسية، كما يوجد شق مهم يتعلق بالمعاملات اليومية داخل نطاق المجال، لذا من المهم التعرف على أسئلة المقابلة الشخصية للوظائف الصحية بالإنجليزي؛ لتجهيز الإجابات المنطقية لها.
أسئلة المقابلة الشخصية للوظائف الصحية بالإنجليزي
فيما يلي أسئلة المقابلة الشخصية للوظائف الصحية بالإنجليزي مع الإجابات: [1]
- ?The question: What motivated you to work in the healthcare field
The answer: I find within myself the strength to give, and the compassion that needed to help the others. I wanted to turn my passion into a career. After researching this institution, I found that it provides a good level of care for patients and continuously evolves for the sake of development. Therefore, I would like to be a part of this family. - ?The question: What are your strengths that qualify you to work in healthcare
The answer: A sense of responsibility is essential for everyone working in this field, but I consider empathy one of my greatest strengths that will help me. Patients want to feel that others appreciate their pain and try to help them in the best possible way, and this feeling is part of the treatment. It also gives the patient a good impression of the hospital. In addition to that, I can act professionally and efficiently manage my tasks within the required time. - ?The question: What is your plan for dealing with difficult or fearful patients
The answer: I plan to meet the needs of patients as much as my authority allows. However, I must also understand the problem well first to assess the situation and decide on the appropriate action. In general, regardless of the patient’s behavior, I should remain calm and patient. - ?The question: What types of healthcare do the elderly need
The answer: Elderly people value their worth and independence, so dealing with them must involve providing the necessary appreciation and respect. I believe that speaking kindly—but professionally—with them is essential because they often feel lonely. - ? The answer: How do you share bad news with the patient and his family
The answer: First, I must collect all the information to ensure that I am fully prepared to answer all the questions, and I will be frank with them, and fully explain the situation.