تقدم منصة إنستقرام مزايا عديدة مثل الستوري، والتي تضم بداخلها خيارات كثيرة منها مشاركة الصور ومقاطع الفيديو، والتحديات والأسئلة، وتعتبر أسئلة ستوري انستا من أهم الوسائل المستخدمة بكثرة من قِبل مستخدمي المنصة، وذلك لأنه يمكن من خلالها التعرف على مجموعة جديدة من الأفكار الملهمة لتقديم محتوى إبداعي، وبناء فكرة عامة عن اهتمامات المتابعين.
أسئلة ستوري انستا بالانجليزي
فيما يلي باقة من الأسئلة المتنوعة لستوري انستا بالإنجليزي: [1]
أسئلة ستوري انستا بالإنجليزي | - ?Who is the last person you met
- ?Have you ever hated someone so much that you wished they were dead
- ?Have you ever upset your lover on purpose
- ?Have you felt depressed and thought about suicide before
- ?What wisdom do you believe in your life
- ?What is your biggest goal in life
- ?Who is the most similar person in your family
- ?Do you have a friend who makes you feel good during your toughest times
- ?Do you own a pet, and what is it
- ?Can you pet a predator
- ?How to express your love
- ?Have you ever felt that your life is difficult and unbearable
- ?What would you do if you were in the desert alone
أسئلة ستوري انستا لو خيروك بين شيئين بالإنجليزي | - ?If you had to choose between pasta and pizza, which would you prefer
- ?Which do you prefer, traveling around the world alone, or traveling once with friends
- ?If you had to choose between a burger and Chinese food, which would you choose
- ?Which do you prefer, a party on the beach or a party in a luxurious place
- ?If you had to choose between eating spicy food or jumping from a high place, which would you choose
- ?Would you rather change your name, or change your appearance
- ?Which do you prefer, beauty or wealth
- ?If you had to choose between popcorn and ice cream, which would you choose
?Which do you prefer listen to, sad or romantic songs - ?Which do you prefer, playing football or basketball